Materi pertemuan terakhir Bahasa Inggris kelas TIF 2012/A semester 1 yang diampu oleh dosen pengampu Bu Putri berisi soal mengenai beberapa materi mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris yang sudah diajarkan kepada seluruh mahasiswa "penghuni" kelas Teknik Informatika angkatan 2012/A sebelumnya yaitu :
- Make Future Sentences
- "Wh" question (using will)
- "Wh" question (using going to)
- Text
- Question based on the text number 4
Pada poin ke empat, mahasiswa memerlukan kecermatan dan pengetahuan yang luas tentang kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam Bahasa Inggris agar bisa mengerjakan pertanyaan pada poin ke lima yang didasarkan pada text poin ke empat.
Teks soal poin ke empat :
.... By identifying your notes, you can later reconstruct their order and relation to the course as a whole your notes should be dated so that you will be able to know which notes to study when preparing for an exam. The pages should be numbered and kept in logical sequence. Cross referencing your notes with your text will also help you relate one source of information to another. ...
Teks pertanyaan poin ke lima berdasarkan teks poin ke empat :
... 2. Which words tell that you should give your note a number and you kept it in logical sequence?
3. Which words suggest how to relate the information in your notes with similar information in your textbook?
4. Which words suggest how easy it is if you are listening actively to the presentation and you understand it well?...
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